Monday, August 20, 2012

i kinda remember that i couldn't update the blog anymore
since they totally ban me
and i couldn't even go Google anymore.
some update
ernita and jason are on leave so i'm covering them for another extra week
so instead of ending on the 25, i end on the 31
but today's holiday
and i'm taking next Monday off to go back school to hand in the log book.
so i guess this will most probably be my last post.
i'm glad that it's finally over
my friends at Disney in USA already ended their intern, and i'm still on going
i need my freedom. soon.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

so yesterday
rechecked all sep and oct SIMs since there seem to relocating
and i updated the spreadsheet
did the Landing which took me the whole morning since it's 4 days long
printed out passport copies for someone in corporate office
guess what
tomorrow's national day
i hear my friend telling me that we need to wear red and white, the national colors.
guess what i wore today
blue, black and white
rings a bell on what country uses those colors?
but i don't really understand
which is the exact independence day?
February 24 or August 20?

so tomorrow's holiday
then i work on friday till 3.30 to meet up with my teacher so it's in a way half day
my question
i  have both monday on the next 2 weeks off
i'm left with 1 leave
which day of which week should i use it on...?

ps: i'm so learning this dance

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

countdown to 25 aug is 17 more days
sorry didn't update yesterday
was on leave
yep so i'm taking a day off each week
but most probably on monday and tuesday for the next 2 weeks
since the last week's monday is a holiday due to hari raya puasa
so minus 2 days, and another 2 days for holiday ( after including national day which is this thursday... )
so it's around 13 more days?
minus 4 weekends?  i think...? so it'll be 9 days.
can't wait for friday the 24th, my last day
i'll go straight down to plaza singapura to have some wurst and play the arcade because i totally deserve it!
olympics ending 12 aug
the sports i like? equistrian, rowling, synchronized swimmung, shooting ( the one that shoots 2 flying targets ).
excluding badminton and tennis which is already what i love...

checked the planned SEP dates against my spreadsheet and make admendments
created a spreadsheet for pilots who owe ernita licenses and gave it to the flight ops officers

i wonder what do you call a dream that has your fantasy yet a nightmare....
coz i just experienced one.

damn that
i really hate dental
i remember acting the whole friday and saturday morning as though i was a living corpse

went to gilbert's house due to some prayer's birthday thingy
so yea
pretty much spent the whole morning and noon there
so monday i had the day off
yet i couldn't sleep late

i want to eat some wurst and bacon.

Friday, August 3, 2012

SO russia got bronze, sweden got silver and UK got gold for shooting.
when russia and kuwait went for a shootout for the bronze place.
i really prayed for russia.
thank god it paid off.

GBR top, followed by GER
at least from where i stopped.
Germany has won 2 gold for this sport.
i can see why~
sadly canada's horse went out of control and he was eliminated..

germany vs belarus
i really thought germany would win....

which reminds me
archery solo female
The korean actually the mexican
really great match,
one of the the score was 29 - 30
meaning the mexican shot 3 10 in 1 round...
really impressive....

i'm going to dental tomorrow morning
can someone kill me first?
i really think dying is better than going to dental...
i really hate dental...

i did checking of licenses
noted down FO's AR and IR, as well as FO and Capts' SEP
then checked all the SEP dates against the rocade one....
then last 15 mins ernita told me to send some flights "awaiting confirmation" status to the crew
which i did in a rush and went home.

which remind me
my mom had to remind me about the dental so many fucking damn times this morning
and she said "don't want go cancel la"
this is one of the many lines she'll use when she's pissed but never do.
though i really hope she will
so i didn't talk to her all morning
and she went mad
thinking i was throwing some tanthrum and started shouting at me
slamming the door when i left the house etc...
even if i replied to her
she'll stilll be mad
in short, nothing i did or said would change the outcome
so i shut up
and took her scoldings.

maybe this is the reason why i wanna be a M
so that i can finally get used to her scoldings without feeling so depressed and suicidal
and when i go to hell
i can actually enjoy more than suffer.
i wonder would anyone help me achieve that...
maybe not..
i'm not worth anyone's time...

Thursday, August 2, 2012

i think i can stop saying LRLG... i really do it on a daily basis...
Jeff from cabin crew area came over
telling me SEP for tech crew got prob
so i checked his papers against the licenses and rocade
well it's more of writing down
i'll check it today
and there was this survey from ronald in the morning which i completed in an hour and sent it to him
1/4 of reflection done. ( yep and i'm stucked )

guess what
i have 3 paid off days!!!
damn Ling who told me when i asked her the first day she said that we don't have
even our lecturer said we had two
guess what
* felt so cheated of feelings*
i'm so gonna spend all 3 days plus the 2 holidays in this month
which leaves me to work around around 2 weeks...
i'm ot exending
and i can't wait for an off day

too tired
proof: i can wake up even to a piano soft tone alarm
but when gilbert sms-ed me few minutes later after i said i was going to sleep
i didn't hear the ringtone
and it was loud for a goddamned 4 minutes...
officially too tired.

totally loved the moment when their flag was hoisted into the sky with their national anthem playing
they even threw their leader into the water
table tennis female single match
good job to singapore for winning japan with the score
11 - 9
11 - 6
11 - 6
11 - 5
4 straight wins
though i really hope some day a singapore born will play this kind of result instead....
then there was this table tennis match
player 1 -name- representing China!!!
player 2 -name- representing China!!!
i was like WTF
whoever wins also china win what
wasting my time
if they want a personal match
settle it somewhere
this is international,
not regional!

woah UK actually managed to cut through and win Greece by a bit at the last few minutes.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

It's August!!
Meaning there's.... around 20 days, minus 5 for last week that i'm not working, minus another 1 or 2 for the holiday, i'l left with around 14 days which is 2 weeks
as per my mom
and most probably i won't get the full pay

checked the license folders and noted down all capt AR and IR
edited Ana's spreadsheet to add in new planned ones

i seriously don't remember much...
i remember seeing canoeing, equestrian.. (germany won right...?), badminton, and a basketball ( i think it's replay ) between russia and china ( and i'm totally rooting for Russia...)

then i remember reading some fanfic before going to sleep,
dreamt that i tried to test some giant's patience and ended up smashed into the wall and ground and died coz i couldn't breathe since he was holding me down too tightly
i remembering waking up at 4 am and couldn't go back to sleep..
some fuzzy memories here before i go to bathe and ge ready for the morning...

i remember one i think it's either doubles or quad... germany rowling team was the only black boar while the rest were yellow, and they were in second up until the last lap and they got 4th i think...
pretty sad
i thought they were good
checked ipad for the result
Hacker ( a german rowler ) lost to a competitor from GBR...
wished i watched that.


updated 12pm
now that i included the 2 holidays... i have 16 more working days....
and countdown to 25 aug 12 is 23 more days....
23 - 16 = 7... that's 6 weekends minus today... am i right...?
i hate maths...